Der Polis180 PodCast zur UNCERTAIN STATES Diskursserie


UNCERTAIN STATES – Chantal Mouffe: “Artistic Practices in times of post-politics”
31 Minuten
The belgian political theorist Chantal Mouffe dedicated her talk to “Artistic practices in times of post-politics”. The professor of Political Theory found worldwide recognition with her research on antagonism.
UNCERTAIN STATES – Grada Kilomba: “Luanda, Lisboa, São Paulo – A Post-Colonial Trajectory”
42 Minuten
Luanda, Lisboa, Sao Paolo” is the title of the talk by Grada Kilomba. The Writer, professor and interdisciplinary artist activates and produces decolonized knowledge by weaving relationships between gender, race and class.
UNCERTAIN STATES – Armin Nassehi: Desintegration als Ziel. Ein anderer Blicks aufs Migrantische.
38 Minuten
Armin Nassehi zählt zu den profiliertesten Soziologen Deutschlands. Sein Vortrag steht unter dem, provokativen Titel “Desintegration als Ziel. Ein anderer Blick aufs Migrantische.”
UNCERTAIN STATES – Horst Bredekamp & Stefan Weber: „Palmyra als Extrem eines neuen Ikonoklasmus“
39 Minuten
The belgian political theorist Chantal Mouffe dedicated her talk to “Artistic practices in times of post-politics”. The professor of Political Theory found worldwide recognition with her research on antagonism: Mouffe rejects the idea that consensus...
UNCERTAIN STATES – Natasha Kelly: “Deutschland – Vaterland – Stiefvaterland”
24 Minuten
Natasha A. Kelly ist promovierte Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin und Soziologin mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten „Gender“ und „Race“.

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Der Polis180 PodCast zur UNCERTAIN STATES Diskurserie

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