How to get the best story ideas

How to get the best story ideas

13 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren

In this video, I will tell you how to get the best story ideas.

If you use the scientific principles in this video, you will
never fear the blank page, and you will always come up with
solutions to story problems in an instant.  

There's some kind of a mythical fog that surrounds the notion of
story ideas. As if some chosen people only get the best ones, the
J. K. Rawlings and the Hemingways and the John Grishams of this
world, and probably not you.  You're just waiting for the
kiss of the muse and it never happens. 

But what if I told you that you could train your brain to come up
with great story ideas daily? What if I told you that you would
never have to fear the blank page again? So let's throw away the
misconceptions. Clear the fog.   

Here are 5 scientific hacks you can use to come up with a great


 “How can I tell the best stories and be heard?”

I’m here to guide you in every step of the way: from your book
idea to building a big author platform.

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