AGAINST! mit Winona Fighter

AGAINST! mit Winona Fighter

51 Minuten


vor 4 Wochen

The episode for the correct classification of Hot Dogs.
Furthermore: The new record "My Apologies to the Chef", recording
Billie Eilish-style, the pop-punk-revival, being compared to a
drunk Phoebe Bridgers, the importance of giving back to the
scene, playing huge festivals and how to handle boycotts, writing
songs about lesbian cars, protecting your mental health, a new
Winona Ryder-flavored beverage and asking ourselves where to
focus our attention...

My Apologies to the Chef will be out on February 14th!

Danke fürs Zuhören! Wenn dir die Folge gefallen hat, lass doch
gerne eine Bewertung da und folge uns auf Instagram. Alle wichtigen
Links findest du unter: . Thank
you for listening! If you liked the episode, please consider rating
the show or giving us a follow on Instagram: You can find
everything important here:

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