Folge 83: Andras Forgacs, how do you produce leather without animals?

Folge 83: Andras Forgacs, how do you produce leather without animals?

Andras Forgacs is founder and CEO of the New York…
27 Minuten
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vor 4 Jahren
Andras Forgacs is founder and CEO of the New York based biotech
company Modern Meadow. He and his team - which includes his father
Gabor as chief scientist and co-founder - produce leather without
killing animals or using oil based raw materials. They genetically
modify yeast bacteria to brew collagen, a protein essential to
human and animal tissue. In a series of steps this bio-bred protein
is refined into artificial leather possessing many of the qualities
valued in the natural material. Modern Meadow has acquired 130m$ in
Venture Capital and is working on scaling its technology to
industrial mass production. Interviewed by Christoph Keese, Andras
Forgacs speaks about his company, the emerging and potentially huge
market for animal-free meat, dairy and leather as well as about his
earlier ventures as a serial entrepreneurs. Language. English Sound
quality: Studio and telephone

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