Die späte Blockade von CCR1 mit BX471 verbessert die Lupusnephritis bei MRL lpr/lpr Mäusen

Die späte Blockade von CCR1 mit BX471 verbessert die Lupusnephritis bei MRL lpr/lpr Mäusen


vor 18 Jahren
This study aimed to evaluate whether a late blockade of the
chemokine receptor 1 (CCR1) (i.e. blockade began after
establishment of a progressive renal disease) with its low
molecular weight antagonist BX471, could alleviate renal damage in
MRL lpr mice, through reducing leukocyte recruitment to the kidney.
Immunhistological evaluation and cell transfer studies showed that
BX471 could reduce the number of infiltrating leukocytes into the
renal interstitium. This was followed by a reduction of
interstitial fibrosis and improvement of renal function. Glomerular
disease was histologically (leukocyte infiltration and immune
complex deposition) and clinicaly (proteinuria) unchanged after
BX471 treatment. There was also no Th1 or Th2 shift. Consequently,
CCR1 blockade, began in the progressive phase of the lupusnephritis
of MRL lpr mice, improves renal function through selectively
alleviating interstitial inflammation. CCR1 antagonists could
therefore offer new therapeutic alternatives for advanced
immunecomplex glomerulonephritis but also for other progressive
renal diseases.

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