Thomas - What do you love about the UK?

Thomas - What do you love about the UK?

UK Edition part 2 - A Counciller about local politics
1 Stunde 19 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
We went to a little trip to London. We spent our days mainly eating
and shopping, but managed to squeeze in three podcast recordings.
We visited Thomas on our trip to the UK in December. Neither of us
met him in person before, so we were quite excited to talk to the
youngest borough council member of the Liberal Democrats. Thomas is
Borough Councillor for Wildridings & Central Bracknell. But
let’s start from the top. As a member of the council, you normally
have plenty of different topics on your agenda. There might be
voices that say the work of someone in the council consist mostly
of ‘moving bins and naming streets’. That is a big part of the job,
but in general it is about changing situations people have to deal
with everyday on their way to work or to school. It is about a
missing crossing, a dangerous junction or a library that has to be
closed because of budget cuts. “It is about working with people and
to see if you can move the conversation.” Thomas shares the story
about the day he got elected as a council member and how it felt
knowing that he had actually gotten a seat that was conservative
for a really long time. He also gave us an insight how working with
mostly older men looks like and what he has to do to be taken

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