Strong et al. (2011) | Unterrichtsbeobachtungen

Strong et al. (2011) | Unterrichtsbeobachtungen

18 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Thema: Unterrichtsbeobachtungen

Um diese Studie geht es in der Folge: 

Strong, M., Gargani, J., & Hacifazlioğlu, Ö. (2011). Do we
know a successful teacher when we see one? Experiments in the
identification of effective teachers. Journal of Teacher
Education, 62(4), 367-382. 

Zu value added measures: Misco, T. (2008). Was
that a result of my teaching? A brief exploration of value-added
assessment. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational
Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 82(1), 11-14.


Hill, H. C., Charalambous, C. Y., & Kraft, M. A. (2012).
When rater reliability is not enough: Teacher observation systems
and a case for the generalizability study. Educational
Researcher, 41(2), 56-64.

Peterson, K. D. (2000). Teacher evaluation: A comprehensive
guide to new directions and practices. Thousand Oaks: Corwin

Rosenbusch, H. S. (1992). Lehrer und Schulräte – ein
strukturell gestörtes Verhältnis. Bamberg:
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschungsbeiträge der

Steinberg, M. P., & Garrett, R. (2016). Classroom
composition and measured teacher performance: What do teacher
observation scores really measure?. Educational Evaluation and
Policy Analysis, 38(2), 293-317.

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