Einfluss Seltener Erden in Verbindung mit phytogenen Zusatzstoffen auf Leistungsparameter beim Ferkel

Einfluss Seltener Erden in Verbindung mit phytogenen Zusatzstoffen auf Leistungsparameter beim Ferkel


vor 19 Jahren
In China, for 40 years Rare Earth Elements (REE) are used as growth
promoters in animal production. In recent studies of our group, we
were able to show that there are really ergotropic effects in
piglets and in pigs, also when the animals are housed and fed under
our western condition. We found an increase of daily weight gain up
to 12 % and feed conversion improved too. With this knowledge in
mind, we became interested in the question, if phytogenic
supplements in combination with REE might influence growth
parameteres in piglets synergistically. Two phytogenic compounds
were used alone or in combination in several feeding studies. The
first feeding experiment was done with 96 piglets of the species
Deutsche Landrasse X Pietrain, 12 animals per group. Over a period
of ten weeks each group has been fed either a mixture of REE (as
chloride, concentration of 0 respectively 300 mg per kg feed) and /
or two different phytogenic supplements (concentration of 500
respectively 900 mg per kg feed). A small positive effect of 4% has
been observed under the supplementation of REE. A second experiment
has been done with 48 piglets (n=6 in the control, n=7 in the
treatment groups). The pigs have been fed over a period of six
weeks the same concentrations of REE and the two ergotrope
additives as in test one. Under the influence of REE (as citrate)
and / or phytogenic additives an effect on growth and feed
conversion ratio become evident, however due to heavy diarrhoea,
these data have to be looked at cautiously. During the third
feeding experiment, lasting seven weeks, 42 piglets grouped into
six groups, have been fed a mixture of REE (as citrate,
concentration of 0 respectively 200mg per kg fed) and / or the two
phytogenic additives (concentration of 500 respectively 900 mg per
kg feed). All five groups showed an effect on the feed conversion.
The intensity of the effect was not constant over the whole time of
the experiment. During the second and third week, the stongest
effects have been observed. Feed conversion improved by 19% in this
time period. Looking at the whole seven week period there was still
a 9 % better feed conversion. REE as well as the phytogenic growth
promoters have been shown to have a positive impact on feed
conversion, but this effect was not statistically significant. An
additive effects of REE in combination with phytogenic compounds
has not been observed.

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