Feldstudie zur kolostralen Immunglobulin-Versorgung neugeborener Kälber in Abhängigkeit von der Verweildauer beim Muttertier

Feldstudie zur kolostralen Immunglobulin-Versorgung neugeborener Kälber in Abhängigkeit von der Verweildauer beim Muttertier


vor 19 Jahren
Within the scope of this study the IgG-status in 87 new born calves
was investigated. All the calves were born in eight different dairy
farms around southern Bavaria in Germany. The procedure of the
study was to leave the newborn calves with their dam and allow them
to suckle. During this retention period the dam was not milked and
the calf was not additionally fed by bottle. The duration of this
period was set before the calf was born by assigning it to one of
three groups: group I was left 12 hours with their dams, group II
24 hours and group III 48 hours. After that time, the calves were
separated from their mother, placed in individual pens and fed by
bottle. Blood samples were taken 36-48 hours after birth and
additionally at their seventh day of life. The serum was analysed
by ELISA according to its IgG-concentration. The mean serum
IgG-concentration at 48 hours in group I was 12.37 mg/ml, in group
II 9.87 mg/ml and in group III 16.23 mg/ml. 58.6 % of the calves in
group I, 54.6 % in group II and 80 % in group III were provided
sufficiently with IgG (> 8 mg/ml). 32 calves (36.8 %) did not
reach this critical value, the IgG-concetration in the serum stayed
under 8 mg/ml (group I: n = 12, group II: n = 15, group III: n =
5). Half of those showed partial failure of passive transfer (pFPT;
serum-IgG 4-8 mg/ml) and the other half showed failure of passive
transfer (FPT; serum-IgG < 4 mg/ml). During the first week of
life, the IgG-concentration in the serum of all three groups
declined. The mean IgG-concentration of group I went down to 11.34
mg/ml, of group II down to 9.37 mg/ml and of group III down to
14.15 mg/ml. Time of first suckling correlated significantly
negative in all three groups with the serum IgG-concentration.
Suckling behaviour and therefore the intake of first colostrum was
influenced by several factors. An interrelation between the course
of parturition and the time of first suckling could be determined.
The more complicated the parturition was, the later the calf
suckled initially. For both female and male calves mean time period
of first suckling was 3.2 hours p.n. The number of the dam’s
lactation influenced the serum IgG-concentration in the calves
positively. Heifers’calves showed a mean IgG-concentration of 7.48
mg/ml in their serum and calves of cows with more than three
lactations showed a significant higher mean IgG-concentration of
14.24 mg/ml. 15 calves out of 87 (17,2 %) came down with diarrhoea,
having a mean IgG-concentration of 7.73 mg/ml. Four of them even
died during their first week. Those four cases of death belonged to
group I and II, showing a mean IgG-concentration of 2.97 mg/ml.
None of the calves in group III died during the study period. The
calves not suffering from diarrhoea showed a significant higher
mean IgG-concentration of 13.53 mg/ml.

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