Multimediales Lernprogramm über die Sonografie von Harnblase, Nieren und Nebennieren bei gesunden Hunden und Katzen

Multimediales Lernprogramm über die Sonografie von Harnblase, Nieren und Nebennieren bei gesunden Hunden und Katzen


vor 19 Jahren
Ultrasound evaluation of the urinary bladder, kidneys and adrenal
glands including Doppler ultrasonography of the blood vessels,
still remains difficult for many veterinarians. Particularly the
physician with little experience has problems with the
visualisation of these organs and also with the interpretation of
the different ultrasound images. The objective was to develop a
multimedia program that presents the sonographic basics of the
urinary bladder, the kidneys and adrenal glands in a clear and
detailed way as well. Small, medium and large healthy dogs and cats
were used for obtaining the ultrasound stills, videos, and also for
the scanning procedure. The ultrasound images and films were
produced with different ultrasound systems with linear- and konvex
scanner (transmitting frequency between 5 and 12 MHZ). The source
code was made with HTML, which is equipped with javascript applets,
JPEG stills and MPEG1 films. The program includes the organ
topography, the transducer positioning and the two dimensional
B-Mode of the urinary bladder, kidneys and adrenal glands. The
demonstration of the Doppler sonography of the extra- and
intrarenal vessels is intended as an advanced training for already
experienced physicians. The structure of the program is designed
with regard to didactic and ergonomic aspects. The high resolution
of all typical ultrasound images and films could be seen with or
without a legend, in a small or large format and could be printed.
Video clips about the visualisation of the organs, photos with
anatomic preparations, and colourful diagrams explain the
production and the interpretation of ultrasound images. The user
can navigate through the program in different ways. It is
recommended that physicians with little experience go through the
program page by page. A clearly arranged menu, a comprehensive
index and linked text passages or pictures makes it possible to
move easily through the program. All pages are marked to help you
keep track. The scanned images of either the dog or cat can be
viewed separately in comparison. This program offers physicians
with little experience as well as advanced investigators the
possibility of learning the basics of ultrasound including the
Doppler sonography of the urinary bladder, kidneys and adrenal
glands in a comprehensive way.

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