Referenzbereiche der klinischen Chemie und des Enzyms Transketolase bei fünf bis vierzehn Tage alten Fleckviehkälbern

Referenzbereiche der klinischen Chemie und des Enzyms Transketolase bei fünf bis vierzehn Tage alten Fleckviehkälbern


vor 19 Jahren
Within the period of four months 150 Simmental calves from 48 dairy
farms were examined clinically and blood samples were taken. The
tested animals had never been treated, neither by a veterinarian
nor by their owners. They met the chosen definition of health, were
five to fourteen days old and were selected in a randomised way.
Blood samples were immediately stored at four to eight degrees
centigrade and were analysed in the laboratory within four hours.
Serum values were analysed using a Hitachi 911 Automatic Analyzer,
transketolase activity (and TPP-effect) with a modified method by
HOFFMANN et al. (1971) modified by CLAUSEN (1976). For further
analysis excess samples were frozen at -25 degrees centigrade.
Using the SPSS-program the values were ranked, displayed
graphically, and checked for outliers. True outliers were
eliminated, the three highest and lowest values were tested again.
Using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test with a significance correction by
Lilliefors a Gaussian distribution was found for calcium,
creatinine, total proteine and albumin. For these parameters
reference intervals were calculated as mean +/- 1.96 standard
deviations. The other reference intervals were calculated as 95
percentils (nonparametric percentile estimation) with a 0,90
confidence interval on both sides. The reference interval found for

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