Wissenschaftliche Bewertung des Einsatzes von Vitaminen und ausgewählten Antioxidanzien in der Ernährung von Katzen, Hunden und Pferden: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

Wissenschaftliche Bewertung des Einsatzes von Vitaminen und ausgewählten Antioxidanzien in der Ernährung von Katzen, Hunden und Pferden: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit


vor 20 Jahren
In the present literature-based work the scientific basis of known
and presumed effects of vitamins and some non-essential
antioxidants is investigated for the species cat, dog and horse.
The effects of the vitamins and antioxidants were subdivided in
those, which are displayed if the requirement is met, and those
which occur or should occur if supplemented beyond the current
accepted requirement. For the selection of the effects investigated
those were chosen, which are of interest for the nutritional
science of animals. Statements about the functions at meeting the
requirement are particular those, which manifest in clinical
symptoms during a deficiency. If the substance is supplemented
beyond the requirement, those effects were investigated that are
used or could be used in the nutrition of the target species. In
addition those effects were taken into consideration, which are of
interest in the nutrition of special groups, for example diabetic
and old animals, and animals, which have to produce high
performance. Because of the fact that often only a few articles
were available for the target species, the effects in rats provided
the basis. The foundation for the studies were about 2000
publications in English and German peer-reviewed journals since
1930. By means of published articles about each species and with
regard to physiological analogies respectively differences it was
worked out for each species itself, how strong the scientific
evidences are for the statements about the effects of the vitamins
and antioxidants. With a valuation system the results were attached
to a valuation degree.

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