#19 Jyotish with Daria Aichinger – how Vedic Astrology helps us to get back to a natural state

#19 Jyotish with Daria Aichinger – how Vedic Astrology helps us to get back to a natural state

52 Minuten
Entdecke mit Ayurveda Deine innewohnende Kraft und Weisheit. Im Podcast der Jadeflower Academy lernst Du Dich und Deinen Körper besser verstehen. Hier erfährst Du, wie Du mit Ayurveda voll Energie, froh und gesund bleibst. www.jadeflower.academy


vor 5 Monaten
This Episode is an introduction to the fascinating science of
Jyotish, the Vedic Astrology. Daria Aichinger is a practitioner of
Vedic Astrology and one of our teachers in Jadeflower Academy.
Daria talks about how Jyotish can help us to develop our inner and
outer potentials and get back to our natural state. Interview
contents: - The roots of Jyotish in ancient times. - Why and how
planets have influence on us. - How Karma reflects in our
astrologic chart. - Why working with Vedic Astrology is not about
faith or destiny. - How Jyotish perspective helps us to develop our
qualities and do the right things at the right time. More about
Daria Aichinger: Website: https://www.jyotish.coach
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