#381: A Taste Of BrightonSEO Training

#381: A Taste Of BrightonSEO Training

BrightonSEO is one of Europe’s biggest SEO conferences and brings together SEO’s from around the world twice a year in April and September with the next event on the 6th and 7th April. Alongside the conference, Kelvin and his team also organise pra
32 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
BrightonSEO is one of Europe’s biggest SEO conferences and brings together SEO’s from around the world twice a year in April and September with the next event on the 6th and 7th April.

Alongside the conference, Kelvin and his team also organise practical, hands-on and in-depth training courses the day before. With 21 courses this time around, it can be quite tricky to choose which topic or session is right for you. Therefore, in this episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Kelvin invited a few of the trainers to share their experience and give you an insight in their training courses.

Ned Poulter, is CEO & Founder of Pole Star Digital – a digital marketing consultancy & will be running the Paid Social Media Advertising Training. On the podcast, Ned explains how he got into the area of paid social advertising and shares some of his experiences, including how he managed to increase the social media engagement of the LAD Bible, one of the UK's biggest social media platforms.

Ned explains how paid advertising is unique as it sits somewhere in-between marketers and SEO people with often no one taking full responsibility for it. He says that often, people simply don’t know how to successfully apply it and that the reason for that is probably that paid social advertising is such a new tool. He explains how it is important to learn more about it as it can open up a lot of opportunities.

Depending on the knowledge of the audience, Ned explains that he will shape the training so that it is not overwhelming for someone with less experience as well as making it interesting and useful for people who are already experienced. In terms of specifics, he explains that he’ll be covering; How to understand audiences in the right way, how to set up tracking pixels correctly or tips and tricks with regard to optimising for specific placements like mobile or desktop etc.

Kelvin also talks to Laura Crimmons who is Branded3’s Communications Director and who has been a trainer at BrightonSEO for a number of years. She’ll be leading the Digital PR for Link Building training course.

Laura discusses the topics and that usually get the most interest during her training sessions. She explains how case studies are a popular topic as they are one of the easiest ways to visualise for people how to practice things and how you can achieve results for your clients or your company. She goes on to explain that she’ll also be covering how to remove silos internally and how to communicate with all different stakeholders and get all the different areas of the business involved. Finally, she explains that she’ll be covering a number of different tools and resources, so that people can practice them when they go back to work as she feels that the most important thing for all trainers, is that the attendees leave the training being able to implement the things they've learned.

If you're interested to find out more about the training courses, you can do so here.

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