Anna Hughes - The sad truth about balance and how to improve your life

Anna Hughes - The sad truth about balance and how to improve your life

30 Minuten


vor 6 Jahren
Balance, a rather overused buzz word. 

Aiming to help us with more ease and - balance. 

But what is balance?

Pretty much all year, I´ve been in conflict with trying to keep
and lead a balanced life. 

Attempting to spend equal amounts of time on training, my
business, family life and my relationship. 

An impossible task to fulfil leading to burn-out, resentment and

Motivation for training sucked. 

I became very impatient and couldn´t quite understand why. 

I also didn´t want to give up my idea of needing to live a
balanced life. 

I picked up this idea years ago as a young mum of two children
wanting to provide them a stable, solid life. Smooth

But strangely enough, the inner hunger and drive for something
outside this concept drew me in part to ultra running and
seriously undergoing some out-of-zone experiences. Deeply
fulfilling me, giving me a sense of purpose. 

The more I was fighting to keep my balance, the worse things

So I had to find a solution and totally re-think my definition of

What came of it is the realization that balance screws me up and
I believe, it has similar or the same effects on many people,
specially athletes working so hard to keep the balance. 

The truth is: It doesn´t work in the long run to keep everything
under control. 

Seeking balance causes the opposite. 
The inner drive, the longing for something outside these
contraints grows. 

That´s when people say: I´m going to tackle a long distance race,
to state one of the many ways. 

And what you walk away with is a bag full of exciting, often raw
experiences where you learn about yourself and how you

Because it´s what matters. How you roll defines your actions.
Break free from your very own concept and idea about balance. And
use the tips I share with you to help you re-define your outlook
on how you live, work, run and play. 

To your success! 

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