Trend Special 2024 - Which trends will affect and drive marketing? A conversation with Cordula Pfluegl

Trend Special 2024 - Which trends will affect and drive marketing? A conversation with Cordula Pfluegl

44 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

This is a special episode. Because of two reasons: 1) We are
going to take a look at the future - trends that will affect
marketing in 2024. So I will also share my perspective with you.
and 2) after more than 20 interviews we have our first recurring
guest with us - Cordula Pfluegl.

So for those of you who don’t know her: With a background in
Psychology, Cordula has been in Marketing for almost a decade,
helping brands launch on Social and supporting startups on their
growth journey. She previously ran her own social media
consultancy and was part of the founding team of a startup called
‘Future Females' that empowered female entrepreneurs in Africa.
Cordula has worked on marketing projects in three different
countries before working as the Marketing Director for 'The Next
Web' in Amsterdam. Cordula now supports brands and clients with
their marketing strategy and writes a bi-weekly newsletter on

Are you curious to make your companies marketing ready for the
future? Then I have the some simple and exciting options for you:

First, this is exactly what I do for my clients - I help them
build their future strategies with workshops and coaching

I also have a very simple entry offer for founders and aspiring
marketing experts: The Simple & Sustainable Marketing
Academy, with a ridiculously cheap entry ticket price, because I
love sharing what I have learned.

And if you enjoy reading: Check out my newsletter where I write
about marketing, strategies and sustainability available every
two weeks in the FutureStrategies newsletter.

About Florian Schleicher: I'm a marketing strategist - over the
last 15 years I've led and helped shape marketing at McDonald's,
Greenpeace and Too Good To Go. Now I help forward-thinking
companies take their marketing to the next level.

With FutureS, the Impact Marketing Studio, I help brands achieve
their goals and sustainable growth. All without the usual hustle.

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