99 - "Turn your Pain into Gold" Interview about Systemic Laws with Lizzy van Hende

99 - "Turn your Pain into Gold" Interview about Systemic Laws with Lizzy van Hende

1 Stunde 23 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

How does our family system impact us?

How can I know if something in my family system is affecting me
and what do I do then?

My guest, systemic coach Lizzy van Hende is having the answers to
these questions and many more insights on systemic work.

You can find more info on Lizzy here:

Website: https://www.liesbetvanhende.eu/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VHliesbet

Instagram: @liesbet_van_hende

Für alle deutschsprachigen, die leider kein Englisch verstehen,
hier eine Interview-Folge über Familienaufstellungen mit Monya
Harcharf, in der wir auch über systemisches Coaching und Arbeiten


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