L.I.S.A. - The Sustainable Development Goals Challenge

L.I.S.A. - The Sustainable Development Goals Challenge

Keynote by Alex Harris | Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health for All
31 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
The symposium of Sustainable Development Goals Challenge discusses
the implementation of the SDGs in politics and will raise awareness
about the importance of the intertwined
biology-environment-lifestyle-complex for our health – especially
regarding disease prevention and health preservation. As an
introduction to the first session, Alex Harris, Wellcome Trust
London, gives a keynote. In it, he briefly talks about the topic in
general and research on health. What are Sustainable Development
Goals, short SDGs? Why are they important and what are the global
goals considered to be an SDG? Finally, what is the SDG's influence
on the future? Den Originalbeitrag und mehr finden Sie bitte hier:

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