Episode #23 – Jurgen Appelo – unFIXing Organizations

Episode #23 – Jurgen Appelo – unFIXing Organizations

In this episode of the Agile Focal Point Podcast, hosts Mike Leber and Harald Wild are joined by renowned agile thinker and author Jurgen Appelo. Together with Jurgen, they dive into his latest endeavors, the evolution of Agile practices, and his persona
56 Minuten


vor 2 Wochen

In this episode of the Agile Focal Point Podcast, hosts Mike
Leber and Harald Wild are joined by renowned agile thinker and
author Jurgen Appelo. Together with Jurgen, they dive into his
latest endeavors, the evolution of Agile practices, and his
personal shifts in focus from public speaking to writing and
managing businesses.

Adapting to Change: Jurgen discusses how
his professional focus has shifted towards writing and managing his
businesses remotely, emphasizing the independence and adaptability
required in today's fast-changing environment. Evolution of
Management Practices: Reflecting on the
transformation from Management 3.0 to newer concepts, Jurgen shares
insights into the ongoing relevance and adaptation of management
theories in contemporary business environments. Agility in
Post-COVID Times: The conversation turns to the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public events and Agile
training, with Jurgen noting a significant shift towards virtual
engagements and the challenges that come with it. The
Sustainability of Agile: Jurgen voices concerns about
the saturation of Agile training and its perceived value, comparing
it to earlier technological learning curves such as those
experienced during the computer revolution of the 90s.
Business Agility vs. Agile
Frameworks: There's a lively discussion about the
practical application of Agile beyond its frameworks, with Jurgen
challenging rigid structures and advocating for a more flexible,
pattern-based approach to organizational agility. Jurgen’s
Reading Recommendations: An avid reader, Jurgen
recommends several impactful books that have influenced his
thinking about business and innovation, including "The Invincible
Company" and Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk.


This episode provides deep insights into the ongoing evolution of
Agile practices and personal growth in the face of global shifts
in the way we work and manage businesses. Jurgen Appelo's
reflections offer valuable perspectives for anyone looking to
navigate the complexities of modern management and organizational

Listeners can look forward to a rich discussion that blends
theoretical insights with practical advice, tailored for those
interested in staying ahead in the rapidly changing world of
Agile and business management.

Learn more about the unFIX Model:  https://unfix.com

Meet Jurgen Appelo on May 15th 2024, with a 1-day workshop about
the unFIX Model, at the CodeCrafts Conference in Vienna,
Austria:  https://code-crafts.com/workshop-unfix-model

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