3. Sound artifacts and lively data

3. Sound artifacts and lively data

Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. investigates the link between data capitalism, technology, and value creation, reflecting on the use of archaeological artifacts, archives, and memory as instruments of power and control: what happens when...
28 Minuten
WHAT DO SOUNDS WANT is a podcast about sound, or better yet, about listening through a series of questions and intuitions Radio Papesse and ALMARE have shared while working together on Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U., a sci-fi film & audio....


vor 2 Monaten
Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. investigates the link
between data capitalism, technology, and value creation, reflecting
on the use of archaeological artifacts, archives, and memory as
instruments of power and control: what happens when everything,
every surface and object can record us? When we are subject to a
pervasive acoustic surveillance? 

Well, this is not exactly 100% science fiction. It is not something
to worry about in the future. This is real. The datafication of our
bodies is real and this datafication affects identity formation and
as individuals come to perceive themselves and others through the
lens of data.

To better understand how people and their digital data make each
other, and to single out the relation between data, sound,
recording and listening practices, we’ve spoken with sociologist
Deborah Lupton, author of books such as The Quantified Self or Data
Selves, and with Columbia University lecturer Audrey Amsellem,
who’s been writing a great deal about sound and

Weitere Episoden

2. War games and fireworks
31 Minuten
vor 3 Monaten
1. Bodies and spaces
25 Minuten
vor 3 Monaten

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