S3E2 (DE) - Traveler- and employee engagement with Thomas Edelkamp

S3E2 (DE) - Traveler- and employee engagement with Thomas Edelkamp

Romantik Hotels und Restaurants AG
50 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
The second episode of season 3 took us to the German Hotel
Convention (Deutscher Hotelkongress 2021), hosted by the dfv
Mediengruppe. Thomas Edelkamp, Chairman of the Board at Romantik
Hotels & Restaurants AG joined us during the event and told us
about his career starting as waiter, his 10 years abroad and what
it was like to be FIFA’s Managing Director of accommodation
services during the 2006 football world cup. We also learned what
differentiates the Romantik Hotels & Restaurants from others,
why guest loyalty works within the brand and what needs to be
addressed in regards to finding and keep fresh talent in the
industry. Enjoy the show! Also check out this episodes sponsor
"Seasonary" at www.seasonary.com and get a 15% discount on your
first job post by using the code SMACK15!

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