S3E10 (EN) - JLL Hotels & Hospitality, human capital and revolution of technology with Gilda Perez-Alvarado

S3E10 (EN) - JLL Hotels & Hospitality, human capital and revolution of technology with Gilda Perez-Alvarado

Global CEO @ JLL Hotels & Hospitality
47 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
For the second episode of 2022 we were lucky to catch Gilda
Perez-Alvarado for a chat. She talked to us about her time at
Cornell University, her love for travel and cultures and how she
found her passion for real estate finance in combination with
hospitality. Leading a team of 350 professionals all over the world
at JLL Hotels & Hospitality, Gilda explained how important it
is to invest in people and to set them up for success and how the
industry is shifting towards more diversity as well as more women
in leadership positions. Lastly, we learned about Gilda’s mentors,
how giving birth to a child during the pandemic has shifted her
focus onto the next generation and how we will see a great amount
of change through technology as the next major revolution.

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