Pascal Jenny – Arosa Tourism | Swiss tourism, employee satisfaction and reducing ecological footprints

Pascal Jenny – Arosa Tourism | Swiss tourism, employee satisfaction and reducing ecological footprints

President of Arosa Tourism (Switzerland)
47 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
Pascal Jenny, the president of Arosa Tourism in Switzerland came to
visit us on the show and talked to us about saving bears, the Arosa
2030 vision and the uniqueness of skiing. The former professional
handball player told Philip about the Arosa Bärenland Foundation,
whose mission is to save bears, and how they do it by complementing
their tourism marketing efforts. Pascal talked to us about visitor
numbers in the region, Arosa's target group marketing and the Arosa
2030 vision, which aims to reduce the ecological footprint of the
entire destination year by year. Philip and Pascal also spoke about
their thoughts on employee satisfaction in the hotel industry,
appreciation, consumption today and how it used to be. Obviously we
couldn’t let Pascal go, before he answered some fun questions about
sports, sustainability, and board games! Enjoy the show!

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