Speeches of the Unheard

Speeches of the Unheard

25 Minuten
Der Podcast zu beuys 2021. 100 Jahre Joseph Beuys


vor 2 Jahren

In this episode, we will be listening to the sound artwork
„Speeches of the Unheard“ by the Thai artist Som Supaparinya. For
this piece, she has translated the speeches and poems of Thai
poets and political and human rights activists into the songs of
birds native to Thailand; or into “the voices of birds and
crows”, as a Thai idiom puts it. This phrase is used to devalue
the words of others as meaningless or not worthy of attention –
just like the voices of the many political activists in Thailand
that are ignored and even silenced by the authorities.

For the actual words of the speeches and poems used and more
information on Som Supaparinya’s Work “Speeches of the Unheard”
click here: https://bit.ly/3lB50et

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