0 Spirit Squad: intro, a little background, and the cutest sneeze in the podcast world, closing with a meditation to calm the eff down

0 Spirit Squad: intro, a little background, and the cutest sneeze in the podcast world, closing with a meditation to calm the eff down

31 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren

Hi Georgeous,

Spirit Squad has been a lonng time coming, but the current Corona
crisis made me kick this baby OFF!

Sitting on my hands is not a virtue of mine.

In this Episode, you get to know some bits and bobs about my
background story.

You learn about the idea behind Spirit Squad, which is

1) introducing amazing people who are near and dear to me (and
who are rather on the woo side of the spectrum) 

2) to provide a platform for YOU to tell your story, get
exposure, and to share your wisdom, learnings, and ideas. I want
this to be a place for solopreneurs, artists, coaches, small
businesses to get known and seen! This  is meant to be the
virtual squad that supports you, and lifts your spirits on your
own journey to manifest your dreams.

Spoiler: I'm super real and human. I don't strive for perfection.
At some point there's a loud sneeze (didn't see why I would need
to cut that out), and a there's special opportunity to grab any
of my offers at 50% discount. Learn more HERE: bit.ly/dwg50 

The episode closes with a short and simple meditation, since I
enjoy making those up and we all can use some calm in these
unsettling times, right?

If you feel inclined to stalk me , errr find me on the interwebs
you can do so on my website, http://disobeywithgrace.com/ , and
on Instagram (it's my Insta stories where all the fun is
happening :)): https://www.instagram.com/disobeywithgrace/

If you'd like to be on the podcast, don't hesitate and reach out
at linadoraboldt(at)gmail.com. Stoked to have you!!!!!! :)

Massive love,

Karolina xoxo

P.S. Intro tune is "Odyssey (Starchild Reprise)" by Sunstone
(https://sunstonemusic.co.uk/) who kindly let me use this song
because I love it so

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