1 Meet The Squad: Dina Wittfoth on navigating difficult emotions, Paradox, and waking the eff up (contains swearing, magic & laughter!)

1 Meet The Squad: Dina Wittfoth on navigating difficult emotions, Paradox, and waking the eff up (contains swearing, magic & laughter!)

58 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren

It's a Dina Episode! You get to know one of my bestest and most
treasured friends - obvi a member of the Spirit Squad - Dr Dina
Wittfoth. She's a Neuroscientist, emotions expert, counselor and
coach, 'Ritual Bitch', a double Cancer Momma Bear and one of THE
coolest people I know. We're always laughing, talking deep stuff,
and swearing, Discussing big concepts and subtle nuances.

This Episode starts with a meditative Opening Ritual - you're
entereing a sacred space with us! We're talking about navigating
difficult emotions, and about the importance to stop. avoiding.
discomfort. You also get very practical tips and insights for
getting through the unsettling times we're in currently.

We even got you covered with love&light (or, to be more
specific: with our rather ambivalent take on it). We riff on
Paradox, and how even the most mundane things can be entry points
to a spiritual path. 

You'll learn that you can't run from love (and neither can you
from darkness), we confess how we're the worst mothers to our
kids - and how this ties into shadow integration and the path of
Feminine Wisdom.

This Episode is peppered with laughter and swearing, and the
therapeutic side effects of putting the two of us behind the mic
together. :)

Relevant links to things mentioned in the conversation:

Where to find Dina on the Interwebs:
http://www.bigheartventure.com/ (website) +++
https://www.facebook.com/dina.wittfoth (facebook) +++
https://www.instagram.com/dina.wittfoth/ (instagram) +++
https://gokhalemethod.com/ (Gokhale Method) +++
https://www.dr-michael-bohne.de/was-ist-pep.html (PEP, similar to
EFT tapping - German only!) +++
(Dina's Post on Love&Light and living from an open heart) +++
(Pema Chödrön's Book 'When Things Fall Apart - heart advice for
difficult times')

The intro song is by Sunstone - a gifted, London-based musician.
I'm so honored they actually let me use it for this Podcast.
Check them out, support an indie artist:

If you want to be a guest on the Podcast, feel free send an email
to linadoraboldt(at)gmail.com 

Can't wait to meet you!

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