#12: The Origins of Russian Imperialism - with Prof. Hubertus Jahn

#12: The Origins of Russian Imperialism - with Prof. Hubertus Jahn

50 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
The beast of Imperialism is once again rearing its ugly head - and
since February 24th, when Russia started its brutal war of
aggression against Ukraine, it has come to the West’s attention as
well. What is the historical background of this latest example of
Russia’s aggressive expansionism? Professor of the History of
Russia and the Caucasus and Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge,
Hubertus Jahn takes an in depth look at the imperial past of
Tsarist Russia and the legacy of this imperialism that lived on in
the Soviet Union and continues to inform Russian foreign policy to
this day. As an expert for Georgia and the Caucasus, Professor Jahn
also gives a detailed analysis on the impact Russian rule had on
Georgia, its society and culture - but also the influence of
Georgia on Russia. Follow Hubertus Jahn on Twitter:
https://twitter.com/hubertusjahn Feedback or suggestions? Write me
an message schnackvongestern@gmail.com Follow Schnack von gestern
on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schnack.podcast/ Host &
Production: Fabian Alexander Eiden Guest: Prof. Hubertus Jahn Music
& Mastering: Daniel Müller
(https://www.instagram.com/songsbydanielpage/) Graphic Design:
Christian Dietz (https://www.instagram.com/chrstndtz/) Template for
the thumbnail: Bronze Horseman by Andrew Shiva (Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 4.0)

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