#09: Medieval Women. The career of Empress Matilda - with Prof. Elisabeth van Houts

#09: Medieval Women. The career of Empress Matilda - with Prof. Elisabeth van Houts

48 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
Few medieval women had a more varied career than the English
princess Matilda: Crowned queen of Germany when still a girl, she
acted on behalf of her husband as regent and judge in Italy and
would eventually claim the crown of England for herself. Professor
Elisabeth van Houts (Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge)
takes us along for a journey into the Middle Aged to learn about
the unique set of challenges that medieval women had to overcome
when carving out power and authority for themselves. Feedback or
suggestions? Write me an message schnackvongestern@gmail.com Follow
Schnack von gestern on Instagram:
https://www.instagram.com/schnack.podcast/ Host & Production:
Fabian Alexander Eiden Guest: Prof. Elisabeth van Houts Music &
Mastering: Daniel Müller
(https://www.instagram.com/songsbydanielpage/) Graphic Design:
Christian Dietz (https://www.instagram.com/chrstndtz/)

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