Konzept eines dynamischen Qualitätssicherungssystems in den Kontrollbereichen Eutergesundheit und Milchqualität in Milcherzeugerbetrieben

Konzept eines dynamischen Qualitätssicherungssystems in den Kontrollbereichen Eutergesundheit und Milchqualität in Milcherzeugerbetrieben


vor 14 Jahren
Nowadays it‘s more and more important for food consumers, to
consume food of high quality. At the same time the economic
pressure on the food industry increases. A quality defect of
produce can mean losses in processing. A substandard qualitiy of
produce can negatively affect the economic situation of the
producing farmers. To produce high quality milk, it’s necessary
that the production and surveillance form part of a quality
assurance system. This system works as an early warning system.
Deficiencies in udder health and milk production can be detected
early by regulary controlled so called Critical Control Points and
Control Points and can so be remedied and prevented. The aim of
this study was to find Control Points and Critical Control Points
as parts of a quality assurance system (QAS) for the control areas
of milk quality and udder health in Dairy herds. This quality
assurance system was finally implemented in the Veterinary Herd
Controlling System (VHC-System) as a part of the Integrated
Veterinary Herd – Health Advisory System (IVAS). Based on the
research of national and international literature, a quantity of
direct and indirect Control Points and Critical Control Points was
collected. To be put in the VHC-system the Control Points have to
meet certain demands. If they don’t meet these demands, further
investigation or some action of improvement has to occur. Critical
Control Points are examinations, which are indispensable for the
maintenance of udder health. They are placed on level of the Status
quo-assessment. Their controlling has to be cost-effective and
practical for monitoring routine. Control Points are continuative
examinations or actions, which are performed if Critical Control
Points oder superior Control Points exceed their thresholds. So
called “Direct“ Control Points are referring directly to animal
health or performance. “Indirect“ Control Points serve the
controlling of animal environment. For each Control Area an
intensity pyramide was constructed. So the activities can be fit in
the VHC-System following Status quo assessment, aimes and situation
of each dairy farm. The found Control Points and their indicators
were implemented in a flow chart to be used by the veterinarian as
a tool for the Status quo assessment and the herd health advisory
in the control areas milk quality and udder health. Due to the
dynamic it is possible to adapt the system to the needs and
possibilities of each dairy farm. The implementation of the QAS in
the VHC-System of the Integrated Veterinary Herd – Health Advisory
System enables to control, discuss and if necessary to improve the
control areas udder health and milk quality. This effects an
improvement of udder health and guarantees the fulfillment of the
requirements to milk quality on the part of the consumers, the law
and dairy industry.

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