#20.12 [english] Taxes under Biden - Anticipated Changes

#20.12 [english] Taxes under Biden - Anticipated Changes

Corporate Tax Rate, GILTI etc.
43 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
In this episode, we discuss the pre-disclosed plans of
President-elect Joe Biden for reforming taxation in the U.S. A leap
of the corporate tax rate, partially rewinding the TCJA's drop from
2017, is not the only change Biden has announced during his
campaign. Our guests are Imke Gerdes from the NYC office of
Baker&McKenzie and Alexandra Minkovich from the DC office
of Baker&McKenzie. Both share their excellent insights in U.S.
tax policy, in particular Alexandra who has long been with the U.S.
Treasury before joining Baker&McKenzie. Thanks for
participating!  Folge direkt herunterladen

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