#99 From near-death accident to world-famous therapist who helps thousands to become painfree! | Interview with Andreas Saltas

#99 From near-death accident to world-famous therapist who helps thousands to become painfree! | Interview with Andreas Saltas

47 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren

This episode is an interview with extraordinaire physiotherapist
Andreas Saltas. Coming from a server back injury that almost cost
his life he became a relentless student of the human body and
physiology. His main mission is to help people get out of pain to
live better lifes with a modern therapy approach that combines
neurology, Manuela therapy, strength training and so much more…
He worked with high-level athletes such as Brandon Marshal and
Kai Greene. I am excited for you to listen to todays episode
where he shares his wide-ranging experience and insightful

Follow Andreas on Instagram and his online education platform:




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Ich freue mich, dich auf dieser Reise zu begleiten!

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