Philosophy of the Machine 10

Philosophy of the Machine 10

40 Minuten


vor 10 Monaten

The chapter deals with the birth of metaphysics and eternal
damnation, the emergence of that peculiar attitude of mind called
Gnosis in the science of religion. That the Earth becomes
transformed into a vale of tears is, in this sense, a dialectical
necessity. That culture becomes the angel maker.

If the pure sign represents the appearance of eternity, the
question arises why we still concern ourselves with the
decrepitude of the earthly. Why not live eternally right away?

Speaker: Hopkins Stanley

Sound-Design: Martin Burckhardt

Music: Hopkins Stanley & Martin Burckhardt

From: The Philosophy of the Machine, translated by Hopkins
Stanley and Martin Burckhardt. (to be published)

To listen to previous chapters:

Philosophy of the Machine 9

Philosophy of the Machine 8

Philosophy of the Machine 7

Philosophy of the Machine 6

Philosophy of the Machine 5

Philosophy of the Machine 4

Philosophy of the Machine 3

Philosophy of the Machine 2

Philosophy of the Machine 1

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