Philosophy of the Machine 11

Philosophy of the Machine 11

33 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

If we remember that the machina mundi, like the Deus ex Machina,
flies in from above, it's unsurprising that the scene of the
Machine Discourse shifts to where the Politics of Heaven are
fought over. It's the emerging Christianity that takes up the
Machine question - albeit in a way that seems like a palimpsest,
a parchment that has been scraped over and over again: constantly

This chapter deals with the paradox of the Christian world (which
is trying to free itself from ancient materialism) becoming the
catalyst of the Machine World - through the detour of Universal
Scriptural Writing and the Assumption of the Immaculate
Conception. It's a movement that inevitably led to the building
of Cathedrals, the founding of Universities, and the book society
of the Renaissance.

Speaker: Hopkins Stanley

Sound-Design: Martin Burckhardt

Music: Hopkins Stanley & Martin Burckhardt

From: The Philosophy of the Machine, translated by Hopkins
Stanley and Martin Burckhardt. (to be published)

To listen to previous chapters:

Philosophy of the Machine 10

Philosophy of the Machine 9

Philosophy of the Machine 8

Philosophy of the Machine 7

Philosophy of the Machine 6

Philosophy of the Machine 5

Philosophy of the Machine 4

Philosophy of the Machine 3

Philosophy of the Machine 2

Philosophy of the Machine 1

Here is the Link for the German Publication at Matthes &

This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with
other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

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