Fighting for Transparent Conditions For Consumers and Smart Devices

Fighting for Transparent Conditions For Consumers and Smart Devices

Consumers worldwide face major challenges in the use of connected devices: data leaks, privacy breaches and malware are common threats from Brazil to Germany. Data-driven business models can enable better products for consumers, but also increasingly shap
1 Stunde 5 Minuten


vor 6 Jahren
Marilia Monteiro, Gerd Billen, Nicola Jentzsch The recent media
outcry over Cambridge Analytica's practices and facebook’s eminent
role in it have demonstrated that people worldwide are calling for
consumer protection regulation and transparency on business
practices. However, convenience often eats compliance for
breakfast, especially if no pro-privacy choices are available. We
may want to erase our facebook accounts – but what about our mobile
money transfer systems or smart home applications we have
integrated into our daily or business routine? Is it not convenient
that the ridesharing app can track our location? Cashless transfers
and check-ins via smart devices are also quite handy – from Ghana
to Mongolia. It is obvious that companies providing these services
need our personal data. However, does our consent to use our data
really provide a carte blanche to use them for anything - and
interlink them with any data on our connected device? Do data and
privacy always have to be pitted against the principles of
competition and innovation? This session aims at discussing
different approaches to state-of-the-art consumer protection,
regulation and enforcement, its challenges and unseized potentials
with three internationally networked and renowned experts. We want
to look at consumer protection from the viewpoint of regulators,
civil society and consumer organizations as well as from private
sector. What is the European General Data Protection Regulation
about to bring to markets? What challenges shall be tackled with
the EU ePrivay-Regulation? What can we learn for consumer
protection enforcement from the “NetzDG” and the principle of
market place location? Which approaches have different countries
taken, what has been successful and what has failed? Are there
industry standards or useful self-regulation approaches? We live in
increasingly data-driven societies and economies fuelled by data
trackers in our pockets. Which is the data economy and society we
as sovereign citizens want to inhabit?

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