#4 Express Yourself to Heal Yourself - Interview Meghan Currie

#4 Express Yourself to Heal Yourself - Interview Meghan Currie

1 Stunde 1 Minute


vor 4 Jahren
ENGLISH EPISODE In this episode Wanda is joined by the
internationally known, contagious and very inspiring yoga teacher
Meghan Currie. Meghan grew up in Canada, travelled the world and
made Bali her chosen home. In between touring in Europe for
Retreats and Workshops she took the time to talk to Wanda about all
things life, yoga, her own journey, self healing and creativity.
Meghan shares openly with us what she has learned from her life’s
challenges, struggling with depression and addiction for years. She
tells us about her own journey and how yoga, self expression and
creativity supported her in her process of selfhealing and
integration. For Meghan change and transformation are mandatory and
part of existance. „If you can navigate the dark what is there to
fear?“ In this Interview Meghan is inspiring us to embrace the
darkness as part of light and part of life. How to follow our
intuition and to show ourselves raw and real in our human
experience. Tune into this weeks heartfelt episode, enjoy a short
guided meditation by Meghan learn about her personal practice, her
life in Bali and soak up all of her wisdom - Meghan's words are
truly inspiring and poetic. More informations about Meghan Curries
workshops, retreats and trainings you can find here:
www.meghancurrieyoga.com Instagram: @meghancurrieyoga Practice with
her: alomoves.com

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