#024 Digital doesn't matter - Can you plan success? Yes and no!

#024 Digital doesn't matter - Can you plan success? Yes and no!

... you are the key ... Barbara Liebermeister with Isabel Tufet
19 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
Barbara talked to Isabel Tufet, CEO of Santander Consumer
Operations Services how to turn a company upside down without
losing the team along the way. Exiting insights into a hands–on
mentality of a manager, mother and wife. Who is Barbara
Liebermeister? More information about the author, speaker and
managementconsultant and about her books, seminar and tips:
www.barbara-liebermeister.com Der direkte Draht zu Barbara
Liebermeister: Tel: +49 (0)69 719 130 965 info@ifidz.de Das
Institut für Führungskultur im digitalen Zeitalter
https://ifidz.de/ Die Social-Media-Plattformen von Barbara
Liebermeister: www.barbara-liebermeister.com

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