ZKM | Museumskommunikation

ZKM | Museumskommunikation

ZKM | Museumskommunikation
71 Sekunden


vor 12 Jahren

ZKM | Museumskommunikation

Die ZKM | Museumskommunikation hat eine zentrale Vermittlerrolle
inne. Das neuste aus Forschung, Wissenschaft und zeitgenössischer
Kunst wird an Schulklassen, die interessierte Öffentlichkeit und
Fachbesucher vermittelt. Über das Angebot an Führungen hinaus
vertiefen Workshops für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene das
Gesehene. Im Museumsatelier oder der Medienwerkstatt werden die
Themen der Ausstellungen theoretisch wie praktisch erfahrbar
gemacht. Zusätzlich bieten Besucher- und Familientage
abwechslungsreiche Unterhaltung und führen
generationenübergreifend an Neue Medien und zeitgenössische Kunst


The department of Museum Communications defines itself as the
interface between ZKM and its visitors, partners, schools, and
other educational facilities. Along with educational programs
tailored to meet the needs of a targeted audience, also events
for diverse visitor groups are planned and carried out here. A
decisive role is played by the Museum Education department, which
specializes in the communication of contemporary art, especially
media art. Offered along with a large school and pre-school
program, are numerous courses for teacher training. Private tours
in a variety of languages can be arranged in addition to the
public guided tours, which are offered several times per week. A
wide range of thematic tours and workshops for children, youths,
and adults round out the comprehensive offer of the department
for Museum Communications.

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