Where Germans And Brits Really Differ [ENG]

Where Germans And Brits Really Differ [ENG]

Cultural Differences + Annoying Bits!
17 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten
Hey, welcome to BABBLE ON! I’m Katie! As a Storytelling Consultant
and Localisation Expert, I’m shaping and nurturing personal brands
and unearthing great stories that deserve a platform. I’m
translating confusing & complex into utterly relatable. I work
with SME & hidden champions from Business Intelligence,
Engineering, and Life Sciences. If you have a different area of
expertise, and we both think we‘re a great fit, we can happily tell
your stories, too. Hi, I’m Danny! A stickler for detail and
process, I’ve been translating and localising from German to
English for the Top 5 insurers and banks in Germany, as well as for
technical and complex businesses, the public sector and tourism. My
aim? To get your message across, and to increase your international
appeal. As an expert on German and British culture, I regularly
train Executives and SMEs on how to operate in, and work with, the
other nation.

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