Zofia Reych about the Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau

Zofia Reych about the Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau

A woman living the bouldering dream
38 Minuten


vor 5 Jahren
Zofia Reych is living a dream that a lot of boulderers and climbers
have. She organizes her whole working life around climbing. She is
a digital nomad, works completely online and travels to wherever
she wants to climb outdoors. But that is not the only amazing fact
about her life. She also is the organizer of the first ever Women’s
Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau! I have been to the Festival
and of course I did not miss the chance to talk to Zofia. I am
happy that she took the time even though she had lot’s of work to
do before the Festival. Thank you Zofia - for the interview and
also for all the effort you put into this Festival!

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