Interview with Routesetter Alise Zvigule

Interview with Routesetter Alise Zvigule

About Diversity In Routesetting, Setting for IFSC Comps and more
1 Stunde 20 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr
Alise Zvigule is a latvian climber, former competition climber and
now a routesetter. She describes her way into routesetting as a
hard fight and experienced preconceptions in that working field,
hearing statements like: “A woman can't set or can’t climb this”.
Now Alise is in another position. She got a spot in the IFSC
diversity program for routesetting, is setting at IFSC competitions
and this year, she turned an idea into reality that had been on her
mind for a long time: She organized a gathering of international
female routesetters. We spoke about: - Alise struggle to get into
routesetting at a time, when there were very few women in that
field - Her experiences at the IFSC European Championships in
Munich 2022 - The gathering of routesetters she organized in
Switzerland - Diversity in routesetting - And why, in her opinion,
such womens gatherings can be important to give opportunities and
spaces to learn and grow Thank you Alise for the talk! Photo
Credit: Vic Harster +++ Shownotes +++ Alise Zvigule on Instagram The Boulder that
Alise described in the episode: Magst du mich bei
meiner Podcast-Arbeit unterstützen? Damit ich meine Arbeit machen
kann gibt es auf der Plattform Steady ein Crowdfunding: Oder hol dir ein BIN WEG
BOULDERN Shirt / Hoodies uvm.:!/

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