35. Andrea Lissoni, Haus der Kunst

35. Andrea Lissoni, Haus der Kunst

1 Stunde 12 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Just to get this out of the way – you have not tuned in to the
wrong podcast but this episode of OHNE DEN HYPE will be in
English because my guest this time is Italian and though his
German is actually quite good he preferred to do this in English.
And to be perfectly honest, I was interested to see what the
experience would be like for this podcast. So I think it’s just
logical to also have this introduction in English, right?

Andrea Lissoni is the Artistic Director of Haus der Kunst in
Munich. But with this pandemic going on his move to Munich and
him taking over the museum could hardly have happened at a
stranger time. I met him on a sunny day in the beginning of June
more than a year after the first lockdown.

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