67. Julian Klincewicz, photographer/artist

67. Julian Klincewicz, photographer/artist

1 Stunde 12 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

You’ve already guessed it but this is another one in English.
Julian came to Berlin for an exhibition but he lives in San Diego
and I jumped on the opportunity to talk to him while he was in

But let’s be honest – I’m 40 now and Julian is the kind of guy I
wouldn’t know about if I didn’t hang out with people way cooler
than me. In this case Götz Offergeld of NUMÉRO Magazine was the
one who brought him over and also the one who told me about him.
But that’s just another example of how unsuited I really am to do
this podcast. Julian is well known for his very distinctive style
and also for having worked with the likes of Kanye, Beyonce,
Gosha and other people that don’t really need a surname.

But while I really love his visual work what I connected with
most was his music. Which reminds me so much of really mellow
surf movies from the 90s. And that probably the highest
compliment I can give.

We talked about boundaries, being true to your own vision,
working with other artists, about Julian living the cliche dream
of being an artist in Japan, about working with Kanye, and so
much more.

My guest today

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