Assembly for permacircular museums – Opening remarks

Assembly for permacircular museums – Opening remarks

Assembly for permacircular museums
1 Stunde 31 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Assembly for permacircular museums


This introduction session will harvest a broad range of questions
from the project initiators and guest lecturers, framing the
following focus sessions. Institutions increasingly speak of
giving nature a voice, and even rights. How are the ethics and
practices of cultural institutions affected once we take this
claim seriously? Which new visions do we need for art
institutions in what Bruno Latour has called the New Climatic
Regime, and how can we translate self-criticism into action?


Lucia Pietroiusti (curator of General Ecology at Serpentine
Gallery, London)
Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro (artist, ecologist, curator)
Peter Weibel (CEO of ZKM | Center for Art and Media,
and an activation by Mira Hirtz (performance artist and art
mediator, Karlsruhe)

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