Assembly for Permicircular Museums: (Un)closing Remarks

Assembly for Permicircular Museums: (Un)closing Remarks

Assembly for permacircular museums
38 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Assembly for permacircular museums


The cultural sector is giving more and more space to ecological
as well as postcolonial discourses, but at the same time is
itself caught up in capitalist entanglements. How can its
institutions make the radical shift towards a permacircular
future? Over four days, the event brings together keynote
addresses, case studies, roundtables, professional workshops, and
artist performances to discuss the future of art institutions,
share experiences, and explore alliances with radical and
grassroots movements. The conference is initiated in the
framework of the project »Notes towards a Permacircular Museum«
by Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro for the exhibition »Critical Zones«.
Following an exercise in mapping the show’s environmental
footprint and a collective effort to restore an abandoned fruit
orchard near ZKM, the project explores the possibility of
expanding museum maintenance practices to more-than-human
solidarity and sheltering. Fri, 7.30 pm–8.15 pm: (Un)Closing
remarks Prospects for permacircular museums with »Sonosfera«, a
piece by Jorge Bejarano Barco

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