Philosophy of the Machine 9

Philosophy of the Machine 9

52 Minuten


vor 11 Monaten

The idea of another world arises with the pure, animate signs:
Pure spirit, eternity, Platonic bodies. In contrast, the real
world is a cave, an underworld realm of shadows, in which
illusory existences see only reflections of their destiny: the
reflection of the true, the good, and the beautiful.

The chapter tells of philosophy's birth - and of how thinking
thus begins to run in circles:

That which philosophy considers as being or essence is the art of
running in the circle of the universal machine. En kyklos
paidein. But as we know, still every encyclopedia is

Speaker: Hopkins Stanley

Sound-Design: Martin Burckhardt

Music: Hopkins Stanley & Martin Burckhardt

From: The Philosophy of the Machine, translated by Hopkins
Stanley and Martin Burckhardt. (to be published)

To listen to previous chapters:

Philosophy of the Machine 8

Philosophy of the Machine 7

Philosophy of the Machine 6

Philosophy of the Machine 5

Philosophy of the Machine 4

Philosophy of the Machine 3

Philosophy of the Machine 2

Philosophy of the Machine 1

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