#25 The Sacred Feminine - Conversation with Caroline Pontual

#25 The Sacred Feminine - Conversation with Caroline Pontual

1 Stunde 5 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
In this podcast Wanda is joined by the amazing Caroline Pontual,
tantric yoga teacher, specialized in women's health, sexuality,
sensuality & priestess sacred arts. Caroline teaches hormonal
yoga, yin and trantric hatha integrating practices from the Daoism,
chinese medicine and natural gynecology. She is also a mother, a
wife and such a beautiful, radiant embodiment of the divine
feminine. She lives and shares her teachings in Bali, Indonesia. In
this podcast they speak about - the rise of the divine feminine -
femininity and self-care as a sacred practice - tantra as the
practice of embracing all aspects of life - why slowing down is
crucial in order to connect to our sensuality & sexuality - why
we loose our libido when we try to act and hustle like a man - how
to integrate practices into your daily life that reconnect us with
our feminine nature - what does it actually mean to be an empowered
women and why exposure half naked on social media has nothing to do
with women's empowerment - why we all should keep the mystery of
being a woman Connect to Caroline, get inspired and book a private
session or join her women's work: Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/caroline.pontual Instagram: myfemininesoul

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