Money and Mental Peace - Debt-Free Degree, Easy Scholarships, Money for College, Christian College Girls

Money and Mental Peace - Debt-Free Degree, Easy Scholarships, Money for College, Christian College Girls

Money and Mental Peace - Debt-Free Degree, Easy Scholarships, Money for College, Christian College Girls


Über diesen Podcast

**Scholarships & School Hacks for Christian College Girls to Graduate Debt-Free!** Are student loans stacking up and you feel like you’re drowning under the weight of debt? Do you feel like there’s no possible way for you to pay off the loans and find more money for college? Do you wish there was a way to find EASY scholarships that you actually qualify for? In this podcast, you will find every solution possible to help you graduate DEBT-FREE, and PEACE to quiet the racing thoughts that don‘t allow you to get enough sleep or enjoy your social life, let alone have time to search for scholarships. My mission is to equip Christian college girls to find mental peace through a debt-free degree, Godly life purpose, and anxiety-busting hacks. It is so tough doing things the world‘s way, when everybody else is pulling all-nighters, making poor choices, and taking out loans. I get it! So, if you’re ready to stop being afraid of your mounting debt, stressed thoughts and emotions, and find EASY solutions to help you pay for college while growing in your God-led peace, this podcast is for you! Hey there! I’m Kara Walker, a twenty-something entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, recovering over-achiever, and debt-free college graduate. In college, I was determined to pay for school all by myself with no loans (literally!!), keep my eyes on Jesus, and actually get enough sleep :-) And, I’m here to teach you HOW to do this, too. If you are ready to find answers about your future, have an intimate and fruitful relationship with God, and have enough money to KILL it at college, this pod is for you! So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and enroll in the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace. Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace Connect -->

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