Reality Alchemist with Dr Madisen Harper

Reality Alchemist with Dr Madisen Harper


Über diesen Podcast

Feel stuck, unfulfilled, bored? Are you 100% backing yourself and ALL IN on life, or sitting on the sideline; hoping, over-thinking, settling, "Someday..."? Or maybe you're satisfied but want 'more'. After guiding over 270,000 people in 29 countries, Gracious Disruptor and Human Potential Expert, Dr. Madisen Harper, has witnessed most people are serving a life sentence for a crime they didn't commit – because their Mind is holding them hostage. It's time to stop playing small, 'society safe', and flick fear and failure! News flash – if you're not living authentically and in truth, you're failing. Are you ready for life to be easier, transforming struggle, striving, and resistance into ease, clarity, and joy? Then let's release the shackles and constructs of the Mind, take an inside-out approach, it's the ultimate inversion invocation that ignites your Reality Alchemist and co-creates Soul alignment. Explore a powerful life-changing fusion of:-> concepts + practical actions + mindfulness practices + Livestream coaching and Q&A. Transcending education and inspiration to amplify activation and integration – because nothing changes until YOU do. These are new world professional and personal transformation strategies that fuel a positive ripple effect that consciously enhances lives, teams, companies, customers, communities, and beyond. Sign-up for 'Reality Alchemist Access' to get notified of life vitality resources, opportunities for free personal coaching, and submit personal development questions:

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