
18: Noble 8 Fold Path: Part 3
18 Minuten
Speech is a powerful way to communicate with others to create relationships. As part of the meditation podcast series, Karen is teaching on how to adapt Right Speech into our daily lives. For more information, please head over to Wa'kanda Retre...
17: Spirtual Growth
24 Minuten
This Spiritual Growth is the last episode from the 90-Day Affirmation series. We are concluding with working on your spiritual self. Enjoy this episode from Karen Waconda. More information for Karen please head over to Wa'kanda Retreat & Sp...
16:Create Self-Love
21 Minuten
As part of our 90-Day Affirmation Transformation, we are now diving into the physical part of it. We are here to help you strengthen your self-love. Self-love grows confidence and self-esteem. Which then allows you to appreciate who you are. We...
15: Transform Negative Emotions
28 Minuten
When trying to change and transform the negative emotions, we need to pinpoint the root cause of that emotion. Be aware of these Ten Cognitive Distortions.  All-or-Nothing- Only think in extremes. They don's see the middle ground or any grey area...
14: Noble 8 Fold Path- Part 2
17 Minuten
We are in the second part of the Noble 8 Fold Path. Karen discusses Right Thought and Thinking. Free of desires and ill will and cruelty. Our thoughts are powerful, and they lead us to make who we are. Our thoughts result in creating action....

Über diesen Podcast

Awaken Your Spirit is recorded with Karen Waconda Lewis and Camille Waconda. We are Native American woman business owners. Karen is the owner of Wa’kanda Retreat & Spa located in Albuquerque, NM; she specializes in Medical massage, meditation retreats, Native American healing, and ceremonies. As for my self, Camille Waconda, I am the owner of Dreaming Crafts home location is Baltimore, Maryland, I specialize in creating Native American wood wall art kits and other handmade crafts. Throughout our business, we specialize in integrating Native American healing and self-care so we can help awaken your passion for life, learn to create self-love, and Awaken your Spirit to flow ease. We will be with you throughout your healing journey. Karen’s teachings include being aware of your surroundings. Such as reducing toxins in your home, how to pick wholesome foods, and how to create healthy boundaries. Some teachings will focus on your self-body and mind care. Meaning we show you how to reduce or have no chemicals in your beauty products, skincare, and bath products. We will teach you and guide you through creating a daily affirmation to your self and how to be mindful during each moment. We also have lessons for spiritual care. How to cleanse and strengthen with ceremonies, sound, and daily rituals. For spiritual care, we also have meditations to create loving kindness with self and others. As for myself self I create craft kits. Crafts starts the passion. The passion and motivation for you to start moving. Not meaning physically, but I expect to start the energy flow within you. It ignites that fire within you. I push for you to feel accomplishment every time you complete a piece. You don’t need to know how to do something correctly. Making mistakes is great. You learn to let go and then come back and try again. You have learned to push through it. I know it just small, but you can eventually learn to push through more significant problems within your life. If you choose to order a kit, I mail everything you need so you can complete it within your sacred and happy space. My goals for you are to feel accomplishment, self-love, and to make connections with your thoughts. Karen has so many teachings to share with you. We hope you continue to listen, and we hope to help you through whatever journey you are going through. You can reach out to us if you would like a personal session for either healing or self-care. For Wa’kanda Retreat & Spa head over to www.wakandaretreatspa.com or contact at (505)503-5093. To order a craft kit, head over to www.dreamingcrafts.com or follow us on Facebook at dreaming crafts.

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