Follow my journey

Follow my journey


Always be ...
6 Minuten
"Always be ..." - what would you fill in?  In today´s episode I share some of my thoughts on that sentence with you.  I´ll talk to you next time,  Nadine:)  
From my heart to yours
11 Minuten
I hope you enjoy today's episode which is meant to be from my heart to yours. I share my thoughts on dreams and some other things that came up while I recorded the episode:)   I´ll talk to you next time,  Nadine:) 
It has been a while..
4 Minuten
Well hey there! After more than a year I am finally back with a new episode on here. I just wanted to say hey and tell you a bit why it has been that long. I´ll talk to you next time (hopefully it doesn´t take me a year again..) Nad...
Innerer Frieden als Fundament – Interview mit Jusup
49 Minuten
Heute teile ich ein Interview mit dir, dass ich mit einem Freund, den ich aus dem Studium kenne, aufgenommen habe. Vor ab: in dieser Folge wird seeehr viel gelacht, mach dich gefasst und bereit zum Mitlachen! Das Gespräch hat mich selbst so...
Day 30 - Daily Gratitude
6 Minuten
Today I´m sharing the last Daily Gratitude episode with you. And I´m so glad to have my two friends joining me on this one. Each one of us shares what we are grateful for. While I have been editing this episode, I had to laugh so much and I onc...

Über diesen Podcast

Trying to figure out this journey called life:)

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